
Showing posts from August, 2016

Learn .More

Learning doesn't stop, it only starts. Why are you taking a sabbatical? Learners.

The Great Way

I know there are many routes that lead to the market in Africa but that may not be applicable in other parts of the world. There is always a right route for every entry and exit. Jesus is the only true way to God. You need to just follow Him all the way. Learners.

Urgently Task.

It is now you can understand yourself. No one will; your wife, children, friends and relatives. They expect the best of you and from you. Everythibg should be corrected now. You I'll and sick care should be healed now. You will soon be questioned by nature if you refused to impact. Learners.

Think More

Many of our mistakes are the ones we bluntly refused to set at stake. You wouldn't have made it if you had thought just a little more before you did it. Herr you go regretting now on what you would have rejected. Learners.

Personal Alignment

Setting your goal aright also means that you must be well aligned and ready to achieve it.

Play Time

I thought I wouldnt post today but I remembered you would want to read. readers never lack. Do you see that I have you in mind? Thanks to you all.

Think Straight

Perplexed people are always very confused and unconscious to signs. When next you are facing the music or on hot seat, think straight.

The Great Life Teacher

Experience! What most people used to know to be what has happened to you overtime. I tell you, experience is also the things you see happening to other people.


The greatest problem someone can have is his inability to interpreted what goes on around him. Actually, not all people are sane and not all that are mad are totally mad. Some pretend not to be mad and some think they are not mad by doing insane things. But, however, you must distinguish yourself and know where you stand. Crowd may cover many crowns. Live a life of yourself and not only for yourself. Selfishness is the greatest disease that has no remedy. Think about the welfare of others and do things to assist their weak thoughts. Reasonable people help not only when they are instigated to do that.

Interesting Quote

Until you have come to understand that every chair must have stands, you cannot settle down.

Interesting Quote.

You do not need to watch your footsteps always if you are walking on a good road. Fear is dreadous!


You may not understand to some so the great extent of indolence. Lessons will leave an indelible mark if you wait till then. Hard work speaks louder than mere talks.

Intriguing Fact.

Trying all possible means without a success is like touring the world and remaining a uncivilized Learners.