_Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Psalms 4:4_ What we stand hard for is referred to as a standard. Soliloquy is an act of talking to oneself. While, being still means to remain unshaken in a spot. Firstly, there are several situations in which we need to take our sure stand. Compromise is predominantly influencing people's lives nowadays. Only the strong and toughminded will stand. Secondly, the act of talking oneself is not a sign of weakness or insanity. Sometimes, we need to speak the truth to ourselves too. We have talked to others enough. They refused to believe or accept us. It's time to talk inwards. Get your heart to believe in yourself. Be your own cheerleader. Thirdly, stillness is a response. After we have stood for what we believed in, talk strength to ourselves then, we remain still until victory is achieved. Amidst chaos, be still. Remember, the noisiest place is a troubled heart. Speak to your heart today -...