Depths of Life
Life is deep. The ocean of life is very wide. The more we look the more we see, I.e life! You can explore everything about life. Researchers are daily spending their lives to search out deep things about life. They can very exhaust it. Researchers can even be exhaustible.
Follow me as I take you through the path called, "System Of Life."
Life generally is a double entry system. When we work hard, we'll have success, that is being o
We save money in bank(s) account, that's PRECAUTIONARY.
We decide what we want without external infiltration, that's SOVEREIGNTY.
We have beliefs that life keeps on going, despite turbulent situations, that's ASSURANCE OF A BETTER TOMORROW.
A man must take a decision that will eventually make or mar his destiny, that is PERSONAL FUTURE DESTINATION.
Today, I admonish you to be wise in whatsoever thing you want to do. THERE IS NO FOREPLAY TO SUCCESS.
There must be stern resolution that must be strictly adhered to. Don't play your life in a way that will cost you of your future happiness.
A WELL PLANNED LIFE IS A WELL PLANNED FUTURE. There is no barrier to success apart from those we create for ourselves.
Be honest with yourself. Live up to your dream and vision.
Remember, Your Vision Is The Mission That Sets You On Motion. Never be discouraged because that is the damning tools to despondency. live a happy life and be always happy with yourself.
Follow me as I take you through the path called, "System Of Life."
Life generally is a double entry system. When we work hard, we'll have success, that is being o
We save money in bank(s) account, that's PRECAUTIONARY.
We decide what we want without external infiltration, that's SOVEREIGNTY.
We have beliefs that life keeps on going, despite turbulent situations, that's ASSURANCE OF A BETTER TOMORROW.
A man must take a decision that will eventually make or mar his destiny, that is PERSONAL FUTURE DESTINATION.
Today, I admonish you to be wise in whatsoever thing you want to do. THERE IS NO FOREPLAY TO SUCCESS.
There must be stern resolution that must be strictly adhered to. Don't play your life in a way that will cost you of your future happiness.
A WELL PLANNED LIFE IS A WELL PLANNED FUTURE. There is no barrier to success apart from those we create for ourselves.
Be honest with yourself. Live up to your dream and vision.
Remember, Your Vision Is The Mission That Sets You On Motion. Never be discouraged because that is the damning tools to despondency. live a happy life and be always happy with yourself.