Free Style Moment.
I just want to share the free styled quotes with you. Hope you will find it interesting...
You are in a nest
You are there for a test
Only try to do your best
Even when everybody rests
Stand up for the first.
Life is like a piano
Somethings you need to no
Else, you fall flat like a volcano.
The rule of rule of success is ancient
The stool of it is patience
You don't likewise need to be complacent.
Aggregately congregate to segregate and migrate to be great and have the beat grade.
You are in a nest
You are there for a test
Only try to do your best
Even when everybody rests
Stand up for the first.
Life is like a piano
Somethings you need to no
Else, you fall flat like a volcano.
The rule of rule of success is ancient
The stool of it is patience
You don't likewise need to be complacent.
Aggregately congregate to segregate and migrate to be great and have the beat grade.