It's Our Right

Enjoy reading..Don't lose your dignity to a person for his duty.
In this exposition, I am going to be delving into some areas that people have been long cheated.
I will be frank and precise. Permit me for that.
I'm always in fury if I heard or seen that someone has just been cheated upon for what it should be his/her right. That is very rampant among us today that is found everywhere in the world.

Dignity is to be respected and not defiled. Duty is to be carried out and not excused. People's dignity are to be highly respected in the course of disseminating our duties. Believe you me, many people lost their dignity to the hands of those that are supposed to help, comfort and aide them. Why? The truth is that the victim are not properly enlightened or educated about the whole scenario. On the other hand, those that are supposed to help are using that as pretext to distorting the unsuspecting masses. Very bad!

As I have promised, I stand by my words that I am going to expose some evil perpetrators. I don't care if I will be reprimanded for that. We must maintain and sustain our Rights. Enough of all these jilting and irrational behaviours. Enough of using their duties or offices to dupe the masses. This is the time we can stand up to our Rights and fight with our might. No to molestations and abuses!

To begin with, it is the right of every female (either minor/adult) to b helped by every guy. It's the duty of every guy to help a lady who is in his care or having the opportunity to.
You as a lady, guys have been cheating on you for so long a time. Maybe you don't know. A guy has just helped you to accomplished a task and he is demanding for gratification or ransom either by force or by fire. That's very wrong notion. You should succumb to that. You are a weaker vessel and a special being that must be helped by every available man. Will you give yourself to be molested because someone, as he claimed helped you? Will you allow him to rubbish you just like that? Ha! So many young girls have been in this mess. Ladies, You must stand up to your Right!

Another area is in college. A lecturer promised to pass you. Is it not your right to be promoted? What disheartens my heart is that, ladies are always their targets.
Ladies, you have the right to promotion if you write our papers beautifully. Don't be deceived again, the lecturer will only use you and dupe you. Now, how many ladies had first-class through this route? Recount! None, absolutely, none! Are you not wise? Will he be the only lecturer to mark all your papers? Will you fall for just one man? The more saddening thing comes when so-called born again Christians fall to this trick. It's very ridiculous.

On the part of government, general now. Is it not our right to good things of life? Why are we now being deceived to do otherwise. Believe me, our government have been cheating on us. Why, because we can't probe their offices and actions.
We can't demand for our Rights. We rush towards the crumbs that fall from their tables. We celebrate the used properties they give us. We give them kudos when they have done next to nothing. Ha! My people are perish because of lack of knowledge. Go and see them when they dine. Go and see their families members where they go on weekends. Just more close to them and see what their pets feed on. You will be surprised that, the life of their pets is worthy than millions of their citizen. I'm not saying you should now begin to carry placards. All I'm demanding is, let's know what they are doing in those big offices, that's all!


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