Manipulating Listening Skills

I welcome you to another segment on this very interesting and motivating topic, "Manipulating Listening Skills." We have talked about a number of things you ought to know and steps you would take to listening better than you have be doing aforetime.

Today, I want to be more explicit and concise. You know what I mean now, no much sampling and sacking. To go straight to my points, I wantgo first point out some very vital things, maybe you have known or you simply don't know you have known them.

There is time for everything, right? A time to talk and a time to listen. A time to play and a time to be serious. A time to invest and a time to harvest. Let me stop here. Anyway, these all illustrations centred on a singular fact that there are time allocated for everything.
Now that you have hear these from me( I am kind of full of myself... Sorry for that), there areghings we need to urgently trash out today.
One of it is that, never attempt to listen to anyone who doesn't have words of encouragement to give.
Two, be sure you are listening to something that will endear success to your life.
Three, minimize baseless talks that add next to nothing value to you. Be sure of the value before you engage in any further discussion.
Four, liveliness doesn't mean to be mean. When you're listening, make sure the person is not saying basing words to you.

 Be alert to every detail of those words.
 Be sure they are not using a degrading words on you.
 If you are not convenient, to all the discussions a day/night.
 Respect your values and stand on your belief.
 Don't let their stay in there when the talks are meant to hurt you.
 Inform the police if those words said were to injure a known person.


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