Enjoy reading...
Press forward means to have a, "never give up spirit," "going forward and conquering mind," "indefatigable mind." This life is full of ups and Downs and we can't help it.
Sometimes we are at the mountain tops rejoicing, at other times, somethings forcefully brought up to the valley of depression and obsession.

What do we know do in times like these? Are we supposed to relay to fate? Are we supposed to have ourselves blamed? What should characterise our diapositions, negative or positive words? Today, I'm going to be treating all these probing questions in a questionnaire manners.

Don't be surprised if one of these questions affect or speak directly to your own problem. What you need do is to just use it as Counter Against Condition(CAC).
Make use of it to fight that situation and fightbitbout until you have the victory.

Are you surprised about your dejection and backwardness?
Do you really want to be free from those challenges confronting you?
Is your own instabilities or insecurities, of whatsoever sorts?
Is your life unsure?
Press forward, don't halt!

Am I afraid of what tomorrow holds?
Am I in dire distress of dissappoitment?
Are my performances having nothing to write home about?
Will I even succeed in my endeavour?
Press forward, don't halt!

Everything will soon get well,
Every crrookedt ways will soon be made plain,
Every mountain of impossibilities will soon be made proper possibilities...
Don't halt, press forward!

No, not at this time will you give up.
You can retire at this time...
Go on, go up, go forward and succeed...
Press forward, don't halt!

Be smart and act well.
Don't be scare of the threats from feeble foes.
You are mightier than they.
You have they abilities to win them.
Press forward, don't halt.

Your country will soon be fine.
Country wasn't a proper indigene and it will never be!
You can chase it away, be patient and penitent... Don't relent...
Fight it out until they all are out... They will castigate you... Don't mind them...
Press forward, don't halt!

Your economy will soon boom...
This time of recession will soon be recessed...
Be sure you are taking the right steps...
Press forward and don't halt!

The next you do that exam will be successful.
Just one more time, you will be shortlisted...
Just at this time, you will win he award...
Press forward and don't halt!

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