
Human beings are encumbered with a lot of agitations on where they are going.

Heir minds are filled with sundry imaginations that even burst their heart if it where to be memory cards. Their needs today peters away every moment they see new things. Obviously, according to psychologists that the mind is able to think on some many things simultaneously, that's very true observation.

The purely impracticable ideas are left to go down the drain, even the one that could leverage his agonies. Myriad thoughts are swept underfoot and left unkempt. We need not go far before the good gesture comes, stay there and think deep. Africans have ideas that will open doors of opportunities and prosperity to everyone but no one at anytime ever attempted working it out. They will prudently let it die out so that their lives will be safe, at least!

What is my gain then, if I am able to conceive mindblowing ideas without a yare to carry it out?
Why do I need to be discourages because no one wants to help me?
What have our well-to-do men and women contribute to the development of these our young future hope ideas?
Why has selfishness eaten deep into the fabric of our reasonings?
Why do we keep hoping that someone up there will help start big when there millions ways to end big?

Actually, I can't express all my thoughts on papers, but I can show it with my hands and in my words, deeds and contributions. I don't need someone, somewhere or nowhere to force think in a parochial manner so as to kill my bright ideas for ulterior assumptions. I have a goal. The goal is mine. I should expect someone that is a vision killer or snatcher to come and advice me!

Africans are really under stench mild bondage of dream destroyers. We need to be wise. An average African mentality was to be employed and paid a salary. He does want to take the risks of an employer. Salary will not make you have a stable mortgage or spending. You can't spend beyond that limit. Salary reduces us.

The problem of Africans is that, they want foreign investor while they are the employees. They are been exploited in their homeland. They are too afraid to take the risk of sending people to go and learn things in foreign lands. Even those they send will come back being a enslaved to salaries.

I think we need a rethink and vision to see how these stuffs can be eradicated. We need to get the bad notions expelled from our minds. The notions of working under people and killing our conceived ideas.

Africa can still be great. There can be should for success, employments, enhancements and optimism in Africa. All we need do is to work hand in hand and get to that paradise of change.
The change we need is not borrowing from developed countries or world bank. We need not add more sorrows to our weepings. Borrowing will more enslave us. Let us work tirelessly and build our homelands together so that our unborn generations will have something before their tables.
The change we need is not traveling oversees to stay there leaving the pitiable conditions of our own country. If you don't build your home, you will come back to sleep in the dust and rubbles and under the intense sunshine when the foreign decide to send you back after they have harvested all your treasures.

Africans, wake up and let come back to our homeland to build it together very well.


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