Timeliness for Comeliness

It has always been a great delight to get on my mouse and search a topic to write on. Today, I find this caption so interesting and intriguing.

We may all understand it in different ways but no matter the way you may be reasoning it in, there are lots of more ways it can be reasoned.
Succeeding amidst lethargic attitude is like a cold day in hell. It has never been possible and it will never. You must work hard for everything if you must excel or outclass others. nothing goes for lackadaisical profession. success is not tough be comely, thereffore, anyone that wishes to achieve it must be timely active.
Actually, I have given lot of acronyms on 'time; today I will be giving another one on that. have you ever consider how possible for time to fly? some people are still reasoning it whether it does fly or not. But when you consider it in the real sense, you will find out that time does fly.
TIME, therefore, for it flying nature means Treasured Instrument Measuring Excellence. Time is like a yardstick that calculates how excelling you can be. Is it funny? ofcourse yes, but frankly, that is exactly what it does. That is why you must treasure bit of it. Do you treasure you time at all?

If you look around, you will always find three categories of people; The Rich in the frontier, The Average always at the middle line and finally the poor at the rear end. Now, if you also closely look at the reason for the segregation, you will notice something very similar, time! They all did with their allocated time the way they wanted. all the poor are called the lethargic or time waster. the average class got to know the usefulness of time when they are getting out of age. when the rich people are called the time investors. they never let go any time without ensuring that they make judicious use of them. that is exactly the frontline I'm candidly calling you to follow. Let's endeavour to leave of out average and poor state. come up, come higher and be comely.


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