A system of relationship, companionship, fellowship and mentorship are created by mothers to host their children on platforms of full-fledge opportunities. Many a time, these do they at their own abasement. They are willing to decrease for their progenies to increase. Such a wonderful schtick! As it holds today, if we must achieve considerable success, we must be willing to imbibe these traits and succumb to the Mother's Choice system of mentorship. What I mean is, you'll have to give up your own ego to support in balancing other people's aspirations. That's exactly what a leader does. The term Mothers Choice is symbolic and necessary in accentuating progress as individuals, corporation, or government. You must be able to make the best of choice for others. Let them feel comfortable, unique, satisfied, fulfilled and distinct. Now, let's be pragmatic. Are your decisions towards others Mother's Choice? Listen, the irony of this is that, the more you better other p...