Turning Point Everybody Needs
It's estimably held that there would come an epoch when things change for two reasons- _better or bitter_ . Yes, this is true. I've seen lot of situational change. In fact, almost everything changes- people, powers, principles, prospects, partnerships, priorities et al change.
It's also worth to note that what doesn't change physically has either experienced an intrinsic or adaptable change. Culminating all these myriads of forceful, foundational and concrete facts, we need to therefore come to terms that change is inevitably instructive and imperative to every facet of endeavours.
To be more cerebral, there are only two ways turning point can be effective. One, it's either one turns at a point- a shift in dysfunctional belief. Two, or situation forces itself out of hand- an adaptive change. In the former, it can be referred to as corrective transformation and this helps in personal development. However, in the latter, one may lost key prospects and advantages due to inability to quickly or timely adapt to unforeseen future prospects... As in the case of Nokia, Econet etc.
Essential still, the above prospects are very imperative. But now, how about our ourselves? Shall we remain to input wrong data and expect right information? I think this is preposterous! You can't continue in sin and expect good fortune.
Therefore, you already know the way out, why not follow that Way when grace still abounds?
Make today a turning point in your whole life. _Today is the result of yesterday and the determinant of tomorrow_ . Be wise and choose wisely. Remember, you can either be wise or otherwise. 🌷🌹 *Learnersquota*🥀💐
*Akins Joel*